Three Things I’d Tell My Younger Self (E-Story) - Joanna Cannon

Three Things I’d Tell My Younger Self (E-Story) - Joanna Cannon 

Source: Amazon
    If you could send a message to your younger self, what three things would you want to tell them? This inspiring, moving and frequently hilarious collection includes advice from – among others – authors, journalists, clergy, nurses and doctors; and their words will offer both solace and entertainment to readers at any milestone in life, from exam results and educational choices to love, health, friendship and careers.  

    As the name suggests, it contains a list of three things that you want to tell your younger self, where those three things are collected from authors, doctors, physicians, journalists etc. Those people provide concise three points which are useful to the reader in these ways - love, health, friendship, family, happiness, sad, angry etc either based on their life experiences or imagination to overcome many situation in a beautiful ways.. They provide many useful life tips or ideas which might be useful and many can be implemented in a real life to lead a happy and successful life. 

    I would recommend this book mainly for younger generation or for the people who need inspiration or hope. Because this book contains many useful life advice which will be more helpful. It is not completely advicing book rather it provides you valid points for hope, inspiration, perseverance and determination. 

    Life is too short to learn from the mistake. "Yeah! Mistakes might be useful in few situation where it may provide you some lessons to become stronger". But in some cases we can avoid few mistakes. So, for these cases, it will act as a bridge to learn many useful things from many people to overcome the life better.

Here you will find the wise words of:

Ignasi Agell
Sue Armstrong
Hannah Beckerman
Ann Bissell
Dr Sue Black
Fern Britton
Wendy Burn
Joanna Cannon
Tracy Chevalier
Julie Cohen
Charlotte Cray
Dr John Crichton
Miranda Dickinson
Suzie Dooré
Janet Ellis
Nathan Filer
Patrick Gale
Sam Guglani
Dr Helen-Ann Hartley
Kerry Hudson
Mandy Huxley
Reverend Andrea Jones
Adam Kay
Erin Kelly
Mr Kipling
Dr Kate Lovett
Katy Mahood
Anna Mazzola
Lydia Elise Millen
Dame Helena Morrissey
Hannah O’Brien
Femi Oyebode
Lev Parikian
Nina Pottell
Jonathan and Angela Scott
Anita Sethi
Lionel Shriver
Graeme Simsion
Dr Laura Varnam
Kate Williams

If you already read this book, please let me know about your views in comment section.

*** This ebook is available for free in Amazon ***

Book Name: Three Things I’d Tell My Younger Self (E-Story)

Author:  Joanna Cannon

Genre:  Self-Help

Publication:  The Borough Press

Originally Published:  15-08-2018

Format: Ebook

Rating:  4 out of 5


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